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Sharing insights from the profession, articles and resources for clients, and reflections on this wild journey we call life.

Pregnancy & Birth Prep Resources
My favourite podcasts, books, and local services for pregnancy and birth preparation.

Getting in the know about Contracting VS Employment in Private Practice
This is one for my fellow psychologists. Many of my colleagues in the profession will know that unpacking what you need to know about...

From too scared to birth… to homebirth.
I have feared childbirth my whole life. Whenever anyone brought it up, I’d have a visceral reaction. I’d feel queasy, lightheaded, and...

Why see a psychologist for birth preparation?
When it comes to birth education there are so many options available for women and their families. Hypnobirthing, calmbirth, private...

Pathways to Becoming a Psychologist
In Australia, becoming a psychologist involves at least six years of combined education and supervised practice. First, there are four...

Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a specific type of cognitive-behavioural therapy that has been developed for working with people...

What is EMDR and How Can it Help Me?
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy. EMDR is an evidence-based therapy for the treatment of PTSD and...

Navigating the Patriarchy and Implicit Bias as a Female Psychologist
Many of my clients, colleagues, and friends will know that I am not shy to point out the overt and covert ways the patriarchy influences...
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